Malayalam black comedy motion thriller, Rifle Club, has made its approach to OTT. The movie, directed by Aashiq Abu stars Vijayaraghavan, Dileesh Pothan, Vani Viswanath, Suresh Krishna, Vineeth Kumar and Surabhi Lakshmi in key roles. Rifle Club additionally marks Anurag Kashyap‘s debut in Malayalam movies. He essays the function of Dayanand Bare within the movie. The movie additionally stars Hanumankind of Big Dawgs fame. Rifle Club had its theatrical launch on December 19. A couple of weeks later, it’s obtainable on OTT ( January 16 onwards).
Rifle Club is streaming on THIS OTT platform
In lower than a month of its theatrical launch, Rifle Club is now obtainable for followers to look at on Netflix. The news was dropped on the official social media platform of the OTT big together with a poster of the Rifle Club that includes Anurag Kashyap and others. The caption learn, “The first rule of Rifle membership, you don’t mess with the members of the membership.” Rifle Club’s launch on OTT got here as a shock to followers who couldn’t comprise their pleasure. One of the feedback on the put up learn, “Netflix dropped a banger.” Another learn, “Can’t consider it will come too early on OTT.”
The movie is about an underworld don Dayanand Bare who needs to avenge his son’s homicide. A pair by accident kills his son after which takes refuge in a lonely rifle membership in Wayanad, Kerala. The don pulls an assault on the membership, and the members now have to guard the couple, in addition to, their honour. The movie acquired a great score of seven.5 on IMDb. Anurag Kashyap and others received accolades for his or her appearing chops. As per stories, Rifle Club made a box office enterprise of Rs 30 crore.
Apart from the Rifle Club, followers can even watch new releases like Viduthalai Part 2, Paatal Lok Season 2 on totally different OTT platforms this weekend. Stay tuned to BollywoodLife to remain up to date with newest entertainment news.
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